Taking Charge of The California Eagle by Charlotta Bass An Emerging Star in Journalism by Marvel Jackson Cooke A Focus on Art and Culture by Marvel Jackson Cooke Women don't go on trips like this. by Alice Dunnigan The Martinsville Seven by Alice Dunnigan Vice Presidential Nomination by Charlotta Bass On the "Deseg" Beat by Ethel Payne The Washington Post by Dorothy Butler Gilliam New Horizons Once Again by Ethel Payne Women's Liberation by Evelyn Yoshimura Native American Journalist Association by Minnie Two Shoes Washington DC by Alice Dunnigan Politics and Protests by Marvel Jackson Cooke Federal Investigations by Charlotta Bass Patty-Jo ‘n Ginger by Jackie Ormes Regeneración by Francisca Flores Further Accomplishments and Recognition by Dorothy Butler Gilliam Avenging Anna Mae Aquash by Minnie Two Shoes

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